2024 Nerdio Training Camps for MSPs now open for registration! 

Employee Spotlight: Get to Know Jenae Gay

Table of Contents

  1. What’s your role here at Nerdio? What do you do on a day-to-day basis and how do you help partners/customers?  

I’m an Administrative Assistant for the Events team. On a day-to-day basis I primarily work on our training camp events that take place globally! I mostly focus on coordinating the US training camps. I am responsible for the various event deliverables to make our training camps a success from pre- to post- event! That process entails locating the venue and planning event logistics with the venue staff, managing guest registration and communication of all event details, ensuring event inventory arrives to the venue, and organizing leads from our events to get generated to the marketing department.  

  1. What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know/couldn’t guess?  

I grew up singing and dancing! I’ve done pretty much every style of dance my whole life–jazz, tap, ballet, lyrical, you name it– and I used to sing in the church and performed a bit in high school, as well! 

  1. What’s one technology advancement you hope to see or think we will see in the next ten years?  

 I can definitely see an increased advancement in productivity-based technology. A lot of technological advances are based in helping the user save time and use It efficiently, whether it’s for business purposes or everyday household use like Roombas. I can see that continuing for sure over the next ten years.  

  1. What are three albums you’d bring with you to a deserted island?  

If I could bring three albums to a deserted island, they would be: Beyonce’s Renaissance, Rihanna’s Anti, and definitely a Best of the 80’s album. 

  1. In your opinion, what’s the most rewarding part of working for Nerdio?  

The most rewarding part is the culture. I’ve been searching for a company that truly values their employees and works hard, but also emphasizes a work life balance. Nerdio is exactly what I was looking for, in that they really prioritize all three. I also appreciate the fact that we are a smaller team but we continue to produce and achieve a lot within the industry.  

  1. What sitcom family or friend group would you choose to be a part of?  

The Office for sure. Reality TV wise, I would love to be a part of any of the Real Housewives Series 

  1. Besides a standard computer, what is the earliest piece of technology you remember owning? The first piece of technology I owned was an iPod Shuffle, the really small one which didn’t even have a screen. 
  1. You joined Nerdio in April. What drew you to join Nerdio’s team? 

I was looking for a role with more responsibility, so the role itself drew me in naturally. I also really did love my interview with Michele Spirk. I felt like we really connected and had similar experiences in the events industry, and I knew I’d really enjoy working with her and the Events team. Another draw was having a remote position. I wanted to get into the tech industry and keep working in events and wanted to coordinate and plan events with the option of not always attending the events in person. After the lack of job security during the pandemic in the events industry due to the in-person nature, a remote job involving tech and events seemed perfect. I also really appreciated the company values.  

  1. What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned while working in tech?  

The most valuable thing I’ve learned is how important workflows are to maximizing your productivity, as well as the resources we utilize. I’ve learned over the last few months how many things are connected to our partners and customers. I’ve also had a closeup view of how important events are in the tech industry, and the integrations and workflows are a huge component of making our events successful.  

  1. What’s a current technology trend you’re passionate about?  

I’m really passionate about the integration of technology together to increase productivity. The way technology works together, with cloud-based technologies for example, to make different aspects and tasks in life more convenient and allow people to operate more efficiently is really great.  

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