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Employee Spotlight: Get to Know Chuck Mikuzis

Table of Contents

  1. What’s your role here at Nerdio? What do you do on a day-to-day basis and how do you help partners/customers?  I’m the Solutions Support Director here at Nerdio, running the gamut from support request escalation to technical webinars for our partners and customers, like our “What The Chuck?” Series.   
  1. What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know/couldn’t guess? I’m deep into music. I know everyone says that, but I’m really into current hip-hop and especially old, pre-reggae, Jamaican music (dancehall, early ska) and I’m a bit of a historian when it comes to music coming out of Jamaica in the 50s and 60s.   
  1. What’s one technological advancement you hope to see or think we will see in the next ten years? Consistently reliable and affordable broadband internet coverage across the planet. The internet is the basis for much of what we touch in technology and the foundation for cloud computing. 
  1. What are three movies you’d bring with you to a deserted island? Pulp Fiction, The Pope of Greenwich Village and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 
  1. In your opinion, what’s the most rewarding part of working for Nerdio? The people, and not just my Nerdio family, but our partners and customers as well. During the pandemic, our support team had a strange luxury of being able to connect with so many people and build relationships that went beyond just support.  
  1. What sitcom family or friend group would you choose to be a part of? The gang from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I feel like I’ve been prepping my entire life for this with my brothers and sister.   
  1. Besides a standard computer, what is the earliest piece of technology you remember owning? I’ll never forget seeing my dad and uncle playing baseball on an Atari 2600. Just mind-blowing to see a video game in our house when I was a kid and seeing adults argue over who’s going to win. Things haven’t changed much, just the graphics.  
  1. You’ve been with Nerdio for a while now. What’s motivated you to stick around? Growth, Growth and More Growth. When I arrived at Nerdio, we were still in our infancy, with Nerdio Private Cloud. Now with Nerdio Manager for MSP and Nerdio Manager for Enterprise, I’m on the edge of my seat to see what’s next. Along with product growth, my personal growth here is a huge motivator. What I’ve learned about the technology and business with my time at Nerdio has been exponentially greater than anything else I’ve experienced in nearly 20 years in the industry.  
  1. What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned while working in tech? “I don’t know” is an acceptable and very mature answer. You can always learn something you don’t know. Technology does not care about egos. It’s all 1s and 0s at the end of the day. 
  1. What’s a current technology trend you’re passionate about? I’d be lying if I didn’t say “everything cloud” but I’m also quite passionate about Data Science. I’m always looking for “Metrics that matter” based on data and Data Science will likely continue to grow with how much data is available out there. Making predictions on statistics really gets me fired up (I know, super exciting). I’m really interested in where this goes with further space exploration.  

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