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4 Customer Deployment Scenarios in Nerdio Manager for MSP

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Getting started with Nerdio Manager for MSP (NMM) is easy. It is available directly from the Azure Marketplace and setting it up will take you around 30-45 minutes. Once you have NMM installed, onboarding customers or building new Azure environments in NMM is even easier. Let’s take a look at some examples.

Below we’ll handle the various customer deployment scenarios supported by Nerdio Manager for MSP. NMM integrates with various native Azure technologies making it extremely flexible and powerful at the same time.

Next to that, almost everything you can think of when building up or onboarding a (new) virtual desktop environment in Azure using NMM is done fully automatically, accompanied by a step-by-step wizard.

The learning curve is minimal, meaning, you will save on time, (human) resources, and the process will be a lot less prone to errors.

1. Greenfield Deployment in 60 Minutes or Less

Here, we assume that there is no footprint in Azure whatsoever and you are starting from scratch. When starting greenfield, Nerdio Manager for MSP (NMM) will create a new all-PaaS environment combined with Azure Virtual Desktop, plus various AVD supported services.

NMM will start by creating a new Azure Active Directory Domain Services, followed by a VNet, as you can see on the image below.

Next, the actual domain comes into play and a file share based on Azure Files technology, another native Azure service, will be created as well. Last but not least, NMM will create a fully operational AVD deployment including a Workspace, one or more hostpools, and virtual machine hosts.

2. Landing Zone in 30 Minutes or Less

Let’s assume that there is a landing zone consisting out of a traditional Active Directory or an Azure Active Directory Domain Services in place already. NMM would then be able to leverage the existing identify provider and (re)use any existing resource groups and networks available. Next, NMM provisions a new Azure Files-based file share and finally NMM will build a AVD environment just as in the greenfield example above.

3. Existing IaaS in 10 Minutes or Less

In this situation, most of the groundwork needed to run Azure virtual machines and AVD hosts is already in place. Here, NMM is able to (re)use the existing identity provider, it being a traditional Active Directory or Azure Active Directory Domain Services, just as in the previous example. It will also be able to leverage an existing VNet and file storage. And just like before, NMM will build a fully operational AVD environment just as in the greenfield and landing zone examples earlier, taking only a few minutes.

4. Existing AVD Deployment in 10 Minutes or Less

This is where NMM is a direct overlay on top of an existing AVD environment combined with identity, networking, file storage, resource groups, and any other type of virtual machines or services that might already be part of the Azure deployment.

Within minutes NMM adds an impressive set of features and management capabilities aimed at optimizing, fine tuning, and enhancing AVD and other types of IaaS based Azure virtual machines – see the “The true added value” section below as well.

The True Value Add of Nerdio Manager for MSP

Once you’ve onboarded your first couple of customers, the true added value of NMM comes to light. It is built and designed in such a way that you will be able to save, not only a considerable amount of time regarding dozens of (daily) management tasks but also on the underlying Azure compute and storage costs applicable to your AVD hosts and other Azure VM’s. Up to 70% easily.

Next to that, you will be able to leverage all sorts of best practices, recommendations, and performance optimizations getting your Azure environment in tip top shape, plus per user Azure cost reporting, together with an easy wizard driven cost estimator. We thought of everything.

Working with multiple networks, resource groups, adding in machines, creating and managing images, user, session, and Azure AD group management, backups, etc., are all done within three mouse clicks. Would you like to change a VM from a D series machine to a B series machine at night, for example? Not a problem. Want to turn it off completely and back on in the morning? Sure thing, we have you covered. Single session machines, multi-user; it is all supported.

And we’ve not even touched on the (image) management capabilities when it comes to Windows Virtual Desktop hosts, application management, MSIX AppAttach, FSLogix Profile Containers, and our unique built-in autoscaling engine that you’ve come to know through Nerdio Manager for Enterprise.  

Nerdio Manager for MSP changes the way we’ve dealt with Azure and AVD environments up till now. Make sure to check it out, you won’t be disappointed.  

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